The Downhill Slide
No one told me my knees would wrinkle. Certainly, they didn’t tell me it would happen overnight. This aging thing . . . this downhill...

Seasons of Life and Storage
Grandma’s attic was always a mystical place for me as a child; I didn’t realize until recently that it was a nostalgic place for Grandma....

Hallelujah for Christmas Break!
I inherited a dominant teasing gene passed down from generations of relatives that loved to laugh. Humor is a coping mechanism for me. It...

Painting, Releasing Arrows, and New Seasons
I’m painting again. Not beautiful portraits or landscapes, but rather walls, furniture, porch swings, and fences. It seems to be a path...

Breathe, Baby, Breathe!
Twenty-four years ago today was the first time I panicked as a mother ; my newborn daughter was forgetting to . . . BREATHE. There may be...

In Every Season
The aching in my chest as I neared the field where my children once played was triggered by a severe bout of nostalgia. Esme, the...

Eighteen Years Later
Eighteen! How can my miracle baby possibly be eighteen? Taylor’s birth was also the birthing time of the outlline for my book, Leaping...

The Myth of Control
My favorite scene from the movie "Jumanji" is a perfect illustration of the myth of control. A woman sits in a compact car at a stoplight...

Christmas Joy in the Midst of Sorrow
Perhaps the Christmas seasons that have meant the most to me have been the ones that were the most difficult. In the hard places, we are...

Christmas Pennies from Heaven
So many stories are told about grandmas’ attics, but my grandma’s attic was truly magical–especially at Christmas. Her attic was one big...